Dear Church, Lest We Forget Our Need for Repentance

Dear Church, Where does reconciliation start in America and are we even ready? Where does the church fit in? I think it’s important to try to understand the rich and complicated history of the church in America before we can answer either of those questions. Our country is deeply forgetful; one could say we have…

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Dear Church, This is no time for complacency. Action is required.

Dear Church,  Over 60 years ago, Martin Luther King Jr., stated: “A solution of the present crisis will not take place unless men and women work for it. Human progress is neither automatic nor inevitable. Even a superficial look at history reveals that no social advance rolls in on the wheels of inevitability. Every stop…

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Dear Church, Let’s talk about some history

Dear Church, Let’s talk about some history. On December 31, 1862, New Year’s Eve, thousands of free and escaped slaves gathered in churches across the North (and some in the South) to anxiously await January 1. On Freedom’s Eve, they waited for freedom to come. Then-President Lincoln’s the Emancipation Proclamation was set to go in…

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Dear Church, What is Your Why?

Dear Church, What is your why? Why do you exist? … As a Jesus lover and follower and founder of Mission Reconcile, I sometimes wonder if the churches of today are executing their purpose and their reason for existence. Are the churches of today functioning like the beginning churches in the book of Acts?  To…

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